The Zacks Mutual Fund Rank boosts your ability to identify promising funds while weeding out likely underperformers. Unlike other rating systems, Zacks Mutual Fund Rank is predictive. It’s not a scorecard of past performance—it’s a forecast, and it has proven to be extremely accurate.
Increased alpha
versus own peer group
Highest return potential
going forward
Best performance
when fees are considered
Plus, the excess return performance of our ranked funds persists on average for up to 5 years or more.2
Formulated in 2013, the Zacks Mutual Fund Rank is based on 20 years of academic research which found that – while equity markets may be highly efficient – mutual fund performance is affected by systemic factors and can be predicted. Zacks Mutual Fund Rank quantifies this research to target funds in 47 categories that are most likely to outperform their category average (Zacks Rank #1) to those least likely (Zacks Rank #5).
Put Zacks Mutual Fund Rank to Work For You.